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Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

by Tammy Stephens

Basic exercises to lose belly fat and thigh fat can help you to eliminate these problem areas quickly, for many people losing fat in these areas propose special challenges beyond our control. But what we should know is that by losing fat in these areas improves health, reduces the risk of some health conditions and balances your body proportions and we all want sexy proportioned bodies right?  The bottom line in weight loss is to burn more calories than you actually consume. This can be achieved by making changes to your exercise and dietary habits.

Exercises To Lose Belly Fat & All Fat 

Belly Exercises

Much like moves that target your thighs, the right exercises provide toning and strengthening benefits for the muscles in your belly, making it look and appear thinner. Sit ups, crunches and planks work the muscles in the front of your belly, while leg lifts and planks work those in your sides and back as well. The exercises I’ve just mentioned are great exercises to strengthen your core and combined with cardiovascular exercises, these moves uncover your belly muscles by helping you shed fat and work the muscles in the problem area, making them more visible and more toned looking.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Exercise to lose belly fat

Despite what people say --Spot reduction isn't possible, the American Council on Exercise associated with the heart association have don studies demonstrating it isn’t possible. , but cardiovascular forms of exercise play a role in dropping excessive weight in your belly, but and thighs. This is because this type of workout burns calories, helping you to lose weight overall.

Most people need at least 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each week. Any activity that gets your heart rate up for at least 10 minutes at a time counts. Briskly walking or jogging, swimming, cycling, gardening and jumping rope are examples of cardiovascular exercise that could really help you to lose weight quickly.

Thigh Exercises

Exercise to lose belly fat fast


While cardiovascular exercise burns fat in your thighs, strength training tones and strengthens muscles in that area, giving you a leaner appearance. Incorporate these moves into a twice-weekly strength session for the best results.

Wall squats, stair climbing and lunges are specific moves that work the muscles in your inner and outer thighs, helping slim them. Walking, jumping, cycling and swimming enhance these effects by working thigh muscles while burning calories at the same time.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise each week.

Your Diet Is Very Important

While exercise does have a powerful impact on losing belly, butt and thigh fat, cutting calories from your diet is also important. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, low-fat dairy and whole grains.

These foods are typically low in fat and calories, but high in appetite-controlling fiber and other nutrients vital to good overall health and energy levels. Read foods that burn belly fat and it will show you what foods can help you to achieve the best results.

So, when you start doing your exercises to lose belly fat, butt fat and thigh fat remember my four words. YOU CAN DO THIS! I know that you can.

**Remember now, at the same time, allow yourself a small treat occasionally to prevent feelings of deprivation that might cause you to give up before you reach your goals. If you don't reward yourself you could very easily relapse back into your old habits

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