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Kale & Parsley Juice Recipe

  • 1 Bunch Kale
  • 1 Bunch  Leafy Parsley
  • 3 Large Granny Smith / Delicious Apples
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 2 Lemons
  • 1 Ruby Red Grapefruit
  • 1/2 bulb Ginger (or your choice)
  • 1 Jalapeno Perpper ( optional) 
  • 8oz Water (optional)


Start by washing all of your vegetables. Remove as much of the rind from your lemons as you can before juicing to avoid being too tart. Run all of the ingredients through your juicer and combine in a pitcher.

Add water if you find that it is too strong and would like to get more juice from the recipe. I keep mine stored in mason jars in the refrigerator. It keeps them fresh and convenient to grab and go about your day. Bon Appetite! Let me know if you enjoyed this recipe. 

Apple Carrot Celery Juice

3 Carrots½ Cucumber
1 Apple
2 Celery sticks 


Start by washing all of your fruits & vegetables. Remove as much of the skin from  your carrots as you can before juicing to avoid soil on your carrots.  Run all of the ingredients through your juicer and combine in a pitcher with ice cubes.

refrigerated fruits & veggies before juicing so your drink is cold. 

If you have a good juicing tip to share please do so in the Facebook comment below.  Were all here to help each other to grow and get healthier!  So please share your advice.  Love you all!

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