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Diet Plan Reviews to Help You Sort Through Your Options

Diet Plan Reviews, when looking to lose weight what is the best diet Plan for you? People diet for many reasons; they diet for weight loss, medical concerns and a desire to have more energy. While researching diet plan reviews and weight lost information there are a number of serious–and not-so-serious–issues to consider. You need to be most concerned about the overall health benefits diets can give you, rather than being on the coolest trend.

Not all diet plans work, but there are many that do and there are even fewer that will be what you need. Just because a certain diet is easier or the most endorsed by celebrities doesn’t automatically means it will work as well for you. Everybody has a different body types, Metabolism, reactions and build.  Every one of us require different thing to help us to lose weight. It does not mean that we can’t incorporate well reputed diet plans which we know promote effective weight loss.

Top Three Diet Plan Reviews

The leading diet programs on the market. Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem and weight watchers take the top three spots by way of a combination of hundreds of published studies for at least the past five years. Most diet plan reviews measure their rankings by the nutrition, daily calories, drop-out rates and both short- and long-term weight loss scores from published, clinical and media studies.


Jenny Craig

People have very different ideas about food and dieting Take Jenny Craig for example: You have to buy their food. If you don’t like to cook or you want someone else to do the measuring this might be the perfect diet for you it includes nutrition, price and convenience all together.  This program offers three separate levels.

  • Level 1, the program teaches clients how to eat the foods they want, in small, frequent portions.
  • Level 2, the program teaches clients how to increase their energy levels via simple activity.
  • Level 3, the program teaches clients how to build more balance into their lives in order to maintain weight loss and healthy diet.

Jenny Craig Offers a 24/7 telephone line, allowing clients to get information and support when they need it. If you need to talk yourself out of a piece of cheese cake or just want advice on some alternative meals this telephone line is very helpful.  The program also offers online support, including peer to peer support and discussion groups. They also offer a wide variety of written materials available for additional purchase.

The company has over 650 centers in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Australia, for those who find it hard to get to a center, there is an  at-home Jenny Direct program this program offers information by telephone and mail. There is so much more to learn about this particular diet when you do additional diet plan reviews on this site, you will find out more about what you can eat, how you should exercise, and what the experts say about  the Jenny Craig diet plan.

The Advice given to the Jenny Craig plan is given by a medical advisory board with certified professionals in medicine, psychology and nutrition Some people require a support structure and others happily go it alone. Regardless of your particular needs, the strategy of "diet by consensus" should alleviate the uncertainty you feel about diet choices

Choose the Right Diet Plan by Comparing Similarities Rather Than Differences


My Diet Plan Reviews

During my experience of doing my diet plan reviews the Nutrisystem is singled out as a particularly easy- to-stick-to-plan.  The nice thing about Nutrisystem is that I found it really easy to incorporate in my daily lifestyle.  Nutrisystem has great online tools and food delivery that make the plan simple to follow. If you order their main meal plan they give you three meals plus snacks each day. On the other hand, it’s really ideal for the budget-conscious, that’s where Nutrisystem really shines again. I found that Nutrisystem is one of the least pricey of the meal delivery diets.

Nutrisystem provides all shelf-stable meals–which means that even if you travel there’s no reason to cheat.” For some dieters, convenience means not having to plan, It’s one of the nice  things that really helped me to stick to my diet while I was on the road, those delivered meals and easy-to-shop-for menus were helpful in sticking to a weight loss plan regardless of my location.

Nutrisystem suggests that women follow a 1,200-calorie plan and men are allowed 1,500 calories per day. The Meals are chosen and delivered via mail from the NutriSystem web site or over the phone. Meal, snack, and dessert options are available in shelf-stable pouches that can be conveniently heated in a microwave oven, see how convenient that can be?  No wonder this is said to be one of the easiest diet plans to stick to.  The food costs roughly $260-$340/month (plus additional costs for supplemental items from your local grocer)  that equals out to be what you would spend on you monthly grocery bill anyway.

Think of the NutriSystem diet as a temporary plan that will help get you started on the road to a healthier lifestyle, and healthier eating habits, but also keep in mind that you will eventually have to do it on your own. The challenge is to continue losing weight on a calorie-controlled diet without the advantage of the prepackaged foods. I strongly suggest that you incorporate a routine exercise program with your plan to create a balanced diet plan in you life.

Weight Watchers

On another note, while researching my diet plan reviews I would like to share my weight watcher diet plan experience with you. I've tried Weight Watchers a couple of times.  The first time I went to the majority of the meetings and I did excellent, losing 40 pounds. The Weight Watchers program includes regular meetings, learning sessions, group support, and a very effective points system, very effective!

Weight Watchers encourages you to establish a support network at the start of any weight-loss attempt. Support is crucial for both short and long term success. All dieters need positive reinforcement. Attempting to lose weight can be a stressful ordeal for many people, it was extremely stressful for me because I traveled and ate at restaurants at least 4 nights out of the week.

A support network can help make the process less daunting. Most studies that I've read have found that most people levels of cortisol, a hormone our bodies produce in times of mental stress are higher when they do not join a support network, while conducting my diet plan reviews I learned this interesting fact and kept it in mind as a learning tool. it helps me when I start to feel myself getting overwhelmed . I then take time out to call someone from my support circle.

Weight Watchers Points System

Weight Watchers points system is considered by many people one of  the easiest tool for a person who aims to lose weight long term. I learn how to self-monitor on a daily basis - plus making myself  accountable for each day and each meal, snacks included.

Here is A simple way to calculate points, the formula is:  (Calories + (Fat x 4) - (Fiber x 10)) / 50

Portions of foods are assigned points. If a food is high in fiber and/or low in fat it is worth fewer points. The higher the fiber content, or the lower the fat content, the more of that food you can eat each day.

Dieters can either join a Weight Watchers program online or in person

diet plan reviews

Typical points based on body weight

  • weight 150 lbs - points 18 to 23
  • weight 150 to 174 lbs - points 20 to 25
  • weight 175 to 199 lbs - points 22 to 27
  • weight 200 to 224 lbs - points 24 to 29
  • weight 225 to 249 lbs - points 26 to 31
  • weight 250 to 274 lbs - points 28 to 33
  • weight 275 to 299 lbs - points 29 to 34
  • weight 300 to 324 lbs - points 30 to 35
  • weight 325 to 349 lbs - points 31 to 36
  • weight >350 lbs - points 32 to 37

For six weeks they recommend that you gradually increase your food intake until you are neither losing nor putting on weight. During these six weeks there were regular weigh-ins. If I managed to stay within (2lbs) of my target weight during the six-week period I then got promoted to a "Lifetime Member". Meaning I did really good with the program and learned how to stabilized m weight loss.

When you  become a  Lifetime Member you can attend any Weight Watchers meeting free of charge as long as you weigh in once per month, and do not go out of your target weight by more than (2lbs). If a Lifetime Member veers out of their weight target range, they then have to  pay weekly for meetings and then becomes a Lifetime Member all over again by going through the process they did before.

Now that you know what the best diet plans around are, be sure to know exactly what you are getting into when it comes to following a weight loss program.  Be extra careful in following a health plan that promotes the intake of health supplements especially those that you have just only heard of recently.  Find out more about the manufacturer and ingredients of the product before purchasing any of them.  Also try to visit credible health and government sites such as the FDA and the Better Business Bureau.

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