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Belly Fat Myths That Need To Stop!

Belly Fat Myths by Tammy Stephens
Inspired by Amanda MacMillian of Huff Post

Belly Fat Myths That Need To Stop! You know it , I know it and the world knows it, but does it help?  Nope!

Stomach weight, health risks, belly fat myths and causes of belly fat are the reason so many of us are so desperate to lose the bulge. Today on the Oprah Winfrey network I read about the belly bulge myths by Amanda MacMillan and here is what she had to say about the subject.

MYTH: If you have a healthy BMI A big belly is fine

Don’t believe the hype-- Body mass index is currently the best indicator of whether someone should be considered overweight or obese; she says that experts agree that it's not foolproof theory.  Waistline, it turns out, also plays a major role in health outcomes.  Men and women with large waist circumference were more likely to die younger (and more likely to die from heart disease, respiratory problems and cancer) than their slimmer peers, even when they had BMIs in the "healthy" range.

MYTH: 'Pear shape' fat is healthier than 'apple shape' fat.

Wrong again!  Most people with metabolic syndrome (a condition that affects 1 in 3 American adults and is classified as having three or more risk factors for heart disease or diabetes), this tissue secreted abnormal levels of proteins that researchers believe can also lead to inflammation and insulin resistance. Excess fat is unhealthy, wherever it is on the body.

Physicians have long held the belief that the fat that accumulates around the thighs and butt isn't as dangerous as the fat that makes up muffin tops and love handles, since it contains metabolically active cells that promote insulin resistance and raise diabetes and heart disease risk.

MYTH:  Fat is Fat and some Fat is good for you.

Guess what? this is a flat out lie!  -- Yes, the body needs some fat. It’s a major energy source and also helps you absorb certain vitamins and nutrients. Only some fats are bad for you: saturated fats and trans fatty acids, or trans fats.

These bad fats boost your chances of developing heart disease. But excessive body fat is downright bad for your health.  It is ideal not to have too much of it or you run the risk of putting your life into major jeopardy.

Dr. Oz said you can trim your waist at any age with a healthy diet, exercise, stress reduction, and natural supplements. Know, I believe that!

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